Treatment of initial psoriasis when symptoms appear

A complex systemic disease accompanied by skin lesions is psoriasis. In a healthy body, the cells live for 30-40 days and then regenerate. With the development of psoriasis, the life of skin cells lasts 4-5 days. When they die, peeling, deposits, dryness occur. Treating psoriasis in the early stages is always easier, so it’s important not to start the disease. The methods of therapy in the progressive phase differ significantly. You will read about the treatment of only the initial stages of psoriasis in the article.

Causes of the disease

how the initial stage of psoriasis manifests

In psoriasis, the work of several systems is disturbed at once: endocrine, immune, nervous. By the end, doctors had not discovered the causes of this disease, nor had they invented a cure for psoriasis.

Experts put forward the following hypotheses for the development of the disease:

  1. Viral.Inherited retroviruses can cause psoriasis. Changes in peripheral lymph nodes have been found in many patients, which may indicate the viral nature of the disease.
  2. Immune.With weakened immunity and damaged defense mechanisms at the cellular level, favorable conditions are created for the progression of psoriasis. Among the causes of the disease is autoimmune aggression, a process in which lymphocytes begin to attack the body’s own healthy cells.
  3. Contagious.Many researchers have looked for pathogenic psoriasis. Epidermophytes, spirochetes, streptococci were suspected, but all assumptions remained incorrect. However, scientists have discovered that infectious diseases: SARS, influenza, tonsillitis are a suppressive mechanism in the development of psoriasis. In 90% of cases, this disease is accompanied by tonsillitis.
  4. Genetically.Psoriasis is transmitted to a child from a parent. 60% of patients have relatives with this skin disease. If mom or dad is diagnosed with psoriasis, then the risk of such a disease in a child increases by 25%, if both parents are sick - by 60%.
  5. Metabolic.Metabolic disorders (lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals) can cause psoriasis. Patients often have disorders of the thyroid and other glands of the endocrine system.

Main signs and symptoms

This local disease is not contagious. Skin, nails and hair are damaged. Small rashes appear on the epidermis, which over time form papules - areas of red or bright pink color that protrude above the skin. They are covered with silver scales (plaques) on top.

symptoms of the initial stage of psoriasis

Papules may itch a little or not bother at all, no peeling is noticed. Initially, the size of the affected areas of skin is 1-2 millimeters, over time their size is estimated at 10 centimeters or more.

Psoriasis at an early stage: which parts of the body can be affected by the disease? The main symptoms of the disease of different localization:

  • On the head.The scalp is covered with red scaly spots with lots of scales like dandruff. In this case, the hair is not involved in the pathological process. Itching is observed in patients. Skin lesions can spread to the neck and ears.
  • On the face.In the initial stage, psoriatic plaques form on the skin around the eyes, on the eyelids, in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and eyebrows. Occasionally psoriasis affects the mucous membranes of the mouth, cheeks, lips, tongue, a little more often the contour of the lips.
  • At hand.Individual red papules appear on the palms and between the fingers. The back of the hand is affected much less frequently. If stains form on the fingertips, they will lose sensitivity over time. Psoriasis can spread to the nails.
  • On the elbows.In the initial stage, individual elements of psoriasis appear, covered with silvery scales. They then grow into a continuously affected area of ​​skin from which flakes and a thin film are easily removed. After this action, the affected area takes on a pinkish-red color, and drops of blood appear on it.
  • On your feet.Suffers from the skin of the feet and the back of the foot. The symptoms are similar to those that occur with psoriasis of the elbows: in the initial phase, small lesions appear, spreading to large areas, and a symptom of bloody dew is observed.

How and how to treat psoriasis in the initial stage

early treatment of psoriasis

Cure Psoriasis Forever - How Realistic Is It? Unfortunately, although the answer is disappointing - this autoimmune disease can be corrected, but it is impossible to completely solve.

Treatment of psoriasis in the initial stage gives excellent results and allows you to get rid of visible manifestations of pathology. Traditional medicine uses ointments, creams, solutions, therapeutic ultraviolet radiation, systemic drug treatment. There are also grandmother's medicines, but they do not give a stable result.

Hypoallergenic diet

Patients with different types of psoriasis need to learn the basics of an alkaline diet. Patients should eat foods that alkalize the internal environment. Their share should be 65-75%, part of acidic foods - 25-35%.

General guidelines:

  • One third of the diet consists of unprocessed vegetables and fruits. Include in the menu beets, cabbage, carrots, herbs, cucumbers, onions, garlic, celery.
  • Another third of the daily menu for psoriasis consists of complex carbohydrates and natural sweets in limited quantities. Eat porridge (barley, buckwheat), dried fruit (raisins, dried apricots, dates).
  • The last part of the diet is animal and plant proteins. Eat lean meat, fish, peas, beans, seeds, eggs, nuts. Polyunsaturated fatty acids should also be on the menu.
  • Drink at least 7-10 glasses of clean water a day. Alcohol is prohibited.
  • For effective treatment, give up citrus, fatty dairy products and meat, chocolate and red products. Use honey to a minimum.
  • It is important to exclude sweets, spicy, smoked and sour foods from the diet, because they have a bad effect on the skin. The amount of salt should be kept to a minimum.

Drug Therapy

Treatment of psoriasis in the initial stage is successfully carried out on prescription. There are several groups.

Topical preparations: creams and ointments. Medicines consist of water, emulsifiers and oils. They are sufficient to treat the initial stage of psoriasis.

Fats are hormonal and non-hormonal. The second group is safer, but not as effective.

Tablets. Drug treatment of psoriasis is more commonly used to combat the progressive phase.

Systemic therapy. Its nature (dosage, duration of therapy) is determined only by a physician for the treatment of advanced forms of pathology.

The complex uses:

  • vitamins;
  • fatty acids;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • immunomodulators; antiallergic agents;
  • preparations for removing toxins from the intestine.


What is psoriasis and how is it treated? The complexity of the therapy is important. In the initial stage of psoriasis it is proper nutrition, use of topical medications and treatment with physiotherapy procedures. The latter are aimed at:

physiotherapy as a method of treating psoriasis
  • decreased CNS excitability;
  • normalization of the patient's psychological state;
  • itching reduction;
  • acceleration of resorption of psoriatic papules.

Electric sleep:

  1. Excellent treatment with a calming effect.
  2. Due to the complete recovery of the body, the papules shrink and the disease goes into remission.
  3. A patient with psoriasis must undergo 8-10 procedures lasting 20-60 minutes.
  4. In the first sessions, patients fall into shallow sleep and then into deep sleep.

X-ray therapy:

  1. Affected areas of the skin are treated with X-rays that accelerate the process of resorption of psoriasis plaques.
  2. The method of treatment involves the use of soft X-rays.
  3. One session is performed every 4-7 days, the total radiation dose is safe (3, 5-4 Gy).

Ultrasound treatment:

  1. The skin is treated with ultrasound with vibrations of 800-3000 kHz.
  2. The treatment removes inflammation, itching and pain, reduces sensitivity to allergens and kills bacteria.
  3. The cycle of procedures includes 8-14 sessions, each lasting a quarter of an hour.

Among other physiological methods effective against psoriasis, it is worth noting cryotherapy, immersion in a magnetic field, treatment with electricity, laser. Treatment of psoriasis at home can be accompanied by bathing with sea salt (for 1 liter of water 5 g of salt, temperature - 37-38 ° C, duration 15 minutes, 15-20 daily sessions). With the onset of the disease, it is important to travel to a sanatorium and participate in health programs.

ultraviolet radiation

Psoriasis is effectively treated by treating the affected areas of the skin with ultraviolet light. The wavelength should be 311-313 nm, but the expert may recommend a different radiation spectrum. The patient was immersed in a special chamber equipped with ultraviolet lamps. Before that, he takes photosensitive drugs that increase the effectiveness of treatment. An effective method of UV therapy is PUVA therapy. The wavelength is 320-400 nm. In order to achieve a good treatment result, the patient undergoes 25 radiations, due to which 80% of the affected areas disappear.

Effective folk remedies for home treatment

home therapy for the initial stage of psoriasis

In the initial stage of psoriasis you can use folk recipes:

  1. Chicken egg treatment. To get half a cup of the product, you need 20 homemade eggs. Boil the product for 15 minutes after boiling. You need egg yolks. Mash them into a porridge and fry them in a pan without oil on low heat for 45 minutes. Transfer the prepared mass to gauze and drain. Lubricate the affected areas 1-2 times a day until the symptoms of psoriasis are completely eliminated.
  2. Treatment of the initial stage with a complex ointment for psoriasis. Ingredients: 50 grams of birch tar, 20 grams of fat or Vaseline, 10 grams of boric acid, 30 grams of honey, 1 chicken egg white, 10 grams of fish oil. Store in a dark corner. Lubricate the papules 1-2 times a day.
  3. Treatment with celandine juice. Affect the affected areas of the skin with fresh root juice. This should be done in the initial phase every day during the summer for three seasons in a row.

Special features of treatment in children

Do not use folk remedies on the growing body. They are not always effective, and delays are completely unacceptable in this case. When the initial stage of psoriasis occurs, parents should show the child to a dermatologist who will prescribe a comprehensive examination and treatment. If the disease has not spread greatly, children are prescribed topical ointments and skin creams: keratolytics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The top layer of psoriasis plaques is removed with tar-sulfur or salicylic ointment. To do this, make a bandage on the skin soaked in the active agent, which is removed after 3-5 hours. Then the child should bathe in succession - this will help painlessly remove the crust. The last stage of treatment - drugs with glucocorticoids are applied to the skin in the dose prescribed by your doctor. Children are prescribed antihistamines and vitamin complexes.

What does the initial stage of psoriasis look like - photo

what the initial stage of psoriasis looks like

The first stage of psoriasis is followed by lesions of certain areas of the skin of the body.

If you notice a rash as in the photo, hurry to the dermatologist. One should not hope that the problem will be solved by itself.

This skin disease is complex and requires prompt and comprehensive treatment. The sooner a person goes to a specialist, the more favorable the outcome will be.

Successful therapy leads to rapid remission and restoration of quality of life.